
Sencah Touch英文书籍 《Sencha Touch in Action》

Jay Garcia develops Ext JS and Sencha Touch applications for various clients around the world and actively contributes to the Sencha community as a speaker, advocate, and frequent poster on technical forums. Author of Ext JS in Action, Jay has been a Sencha enthusiast and supporter since 2006. Anthony De Moss has been an avid Ext JS enthusiast since 2007 and is fanatical about good product design and usability. On the rare occasion he's away from his keyboard, you can find him climbing at the local rock gym. Mitchell Simoens has been working with Ext JS since late 2006 and Sencha Touch since 2010. He now works at Sencha doing primarily support on the forums but also works on Ext JS and Sencha Touch.

Jay Garcia develops Ext JS and Sencha Touch applications for various clients around the world and actively contributes to the Sencha community as a speaker, advocate, and frequent poster on technical forums. Author of Ext JS in Action, Jay has been a Sencha enthusiast and supporter since 2006. Anthony De Moss has been an avid Ext JS enthusiast since 2007 and is fanatical about good product design and usability. On the rare occasion he's away from his keyboard, you can find him climbing at the local rock gym. Mitchell Simoens has been working with Ext JS since late 2006 and Sencha Touch since 2010. He now works at Sencha doing primarily support on the forums but also works on Ext JS and Sencha Touch.
