在研究过了《Internationalization & Localization with Sencha Ext JS》一文后,终于有思路了。
在研究过了《Internationalization & Localization with Sencha Ext JS》一文后,终于有思路了。
Ext.define('CommonShared.service.Localized', { alternateClassName: 'LocalizedService', singleton: true, config:{ currentLanguage: null }, requires:[ 'CommonShared.util.Url', 'CommonShared.service.OAuth', ], isReady: false, constructor(config){ const me = this; me.initConfig(config) me.initLanguages(); me.loadResources(); console.log(AppConfig.lang) }, initLanguages(){ const me = this; let current = StorageService.get('lang'); if(current) return; current = AppConfig.lang === 'zh-CN' ? 'zh-Hans' : AppConfig.lang === 'zh-TW' ? 'zh-Hant' : AppConfig.lang; me.setCurrentLanguage(current); StorageService.set('lang', current); }, loadResources(){ const me= this; me.isReady = false; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: URI.get('Configuration', 'localization'), headers: AuthService.getAuthorizationHeader(), scope: me }).then(me.loadSuccess, me.loadFailure, null, me); }, loadSuccess(response){ const me = this, obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText,true); if(obj){ Object.assign(me.remoteRawValue, obj); me.doOverride(); } me.isReady = true; Ext.fireEvent('localizedready', me); }, loadFailure(response){ let obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText, true), error = 'Unknown Error!'; if(obj && obj.error) error = obj.error; Ext.Msg.alert('Error', error); }, get(key, resourceName){ const me = this, defaultResourceName = me.remoteRawValue.defaultResourceName, values = me.remoteRawValue.values; return resourceName && values[resourceName] && values[resourceName][key] || ( values['ExtResource'] && values['ExtResource'][key] ) || ( values[defaultResourceName] && values[defaultResourceName][key] ) || key; }, getLanguages(){ return this.remoteRawValue.languages(); }, switchLanguages(value){ const me = this; me.setCurrentLanguage(value); StorageService.set('lang', value); me.loadResources(); }, localized(cls, name, resourceName){ name = Ext.String.capitalize(name); const get = cls[`get${name}`], set = cls[`set${name}`]; if(!get || !set) return; const value = get.apply(cls); if(!value) return; set.apply(cls, [LocalizedService.get(value,resourceName)]); }, privates:{ remoteRawValue: {}, doOverride(){ const me = this, values = me.remoteRawValue.values.ExtResource, newMonthNames = [], newDayNames = [], am = values['AM'] || 'AM', pm = values['PM'] || 'PM'; Ext.Date.monthNames.forEach(month=>{ newMonthNames.push(values[month] || month); }); Ext.Date.monthNames = newMonthNames; Ext.Date.dayNames.forEach(day=>{ newDayNames.push(values[day] || day); }); Ext.Date.dayNames = newDayNames; //console.log(Ext.Date) Ext.Date.formatCodes.a = `(this.getHours() < 12 ? '${am}' : '${pm}')`; Ext.Date.formatCodes.A = `(this.getHours() < 12 ? '${am}' : '${pm}')`; const parseCodes = { g: 1, c: "if (/(" + am + ")/i.test(results[{0}])) {\n" + "if (!h || h == 12) { h = 0; }\n" + "} else { if (!h || h < 12) { h = (h || 0) + 12; }}", s: `(${am}|${pm})`, calcAtEnd: true }; Ext.Date.parseCodes.a = Ext.Date.parseCodes.A = parseCodes; }, } })
Ext.define('CommonOverrides.shared.Component',{ override: 'Ext.Component', config:{ resourceName: null, localized: [] }, initialize(){ const me = this; me.callParent(arguments); if(LocalizedService && LocalizedService.isReady){ me.onLocalized(); }else{ Ext.on('localizedready', me.onLocalized, me); } }, onLocalized(){ const me = this, xtype = me.xtype, resourceName = me.getResourceName(), service = LocalizedService, localized = me.getLocalized(); if(me.isButton || me.isMenuItem) { service.localized(me, 'text'); return; } if(xtype === "loadmask"){ service.localized(me, 'message'); return; }; if(me.isField){ service.localized(me,'requiredMessage'); service.localized(me,'validationMessage'); service.localized(me,'label', resourceName); if(me.getPlaceholder) service.localized(me, 'placeholder', resourceName); if(me.getBoxLabel) service.localized(me ,'boxLabel', resourceName); if(xtype === 'datefield' || xtype === 'DatePicker'){ service.localized(me,'minDateMessage'); service.localized(me,'maxDateMessage'); } if(xtype === 'numberfield'){ me.decimalsText = LocalizedService.get(me.decimalsText); me.minValueText = LocalizedService.get(me.minValueText); me.maxValueText = LocalizedService.get(me.maxValueText); me.badFormatMessage = LocalizedService.get(me.badFormatMessage); } if(xtype === 'textfield'){ me.badFormatMessage = LocalizedService.get(me.badFormatMessage); } me.setError(null); return; } if(me.isContainer){ if(me.isPanelTitle || me.isPanel) { service.localized(me , 'title', resourceName); if(xtype === 'tooltip'){ service.localized(me , 'html', resourceName); } const collapsible = me.getCollapsible && me.getCollapsible(); if(collapsible){ service.localized(collapsible, 'collapseToolText'); service.localized(collapsible, 'expandToolText'); } me.doCustomLocalized(me, localized, resourceName); return; }; if(me.isGridColumn){ service.localized(me ,'text', resourceName); return; } if(xtype === 'datepanel'){ service.localized(me, 'nextText'); service.localized(me, 'prevText'); return; } if(me.isDataView){ service.localized(me, 'loadingText'); service.localized(me, 'emptyText'); return; } } me.doCustomLocalized(me, localized, resourceName); }, doCustomLocalized(me, localized, resourceName){ localized.forEach(key=>{ LocalizedService.localized(me, key, resourceName) }); } })
在onLocalized方法内,会看到一堆的判断语句,它的主要目的是对Ext JS自身组件进行全方位无遗漏的本地化。为什么要这样做呢?采用重写方式不是更好么?这里的重点还是不知道本地化资源什么时候加载完,在加载完成之前,可能有些组件已经实例化并显示了,这时候再去重写是不会改变已实例化的组件的显示的,而只有通过set方法的调用才会去刷新显示,因而只有采用这种折中的方式。
细心的读者可能会发现为什么有些需要在Ext JS包中本地化的类不在onLocalized内,这个很好理解,因为有些内部组件使用的是基础组件,如网格中的列标题的菜单,使用的就是菜单项,最终会同通过菜单项来text的属性来显示结果,只要在菜单项中对text属性进行本地化就行了,不需要单独再为这个类进行本地化。
Ext.define('CommonOverrides.shared.plugin.Abstract',{ override: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract', constructor: function(config) { const me = this; if (config) { me.cmp = config.cmp; me.pluginConfig = config; me.initConfig(config); } if(LocalizedService && LocalizedService.isReady){ me.onLocalized(); }else{ Ext.on('localizedready', me.onLocalized, me); } }, onLocalized(){ const me = this, type = me.type; if(type === 'gridrowdragdrop'){ me.dragText = LocalizedService.get(me.dragText); return }; if(type === 'listpaging'){ LocalizedService.localized(me , 'loadMoreText'); LocalizedService.localized(me , 'noMoreRecordsText'); } }, });
插件类只有两个类需要实现本地化,但怎么找这两个类费了一点功夫,最好找到了type这个属性可以标识这个类,这就解决问题了。在gridrowdragdrop这个类中还有点小麻烦,属性dragText 性居然没有set`方法,因而这里会有个小bug。
Ext.define('CommonOverrides.shared.data.validator.Validator',{ override: 'Ext.data.validator.Validator', constructor: function(config) { const me = this; if (typeof config === 'function') { me.fnOnly = true; me.validate = config; } else { me.initConfig(config); } if(LocalizedService && LocalizedService.isReady){ me.onLocalized(); }else{ Ext.on('localizedready', me.onLocalized, me); } }, onLocalized(){ const me = this, type = me.type, resourceName = 'ExtResource'; if(type === 'bound' || type === 'length' || type === 'range'){ if(type === 'bound') LocalizedService.localized(me ,'emptyMessage',resourceName); if(type === 'range') LocalizedService.localized(me ,'nanMessage',resourceName); LocalizedService.localized(me ,'minOnlyMessage', resourceName); LocalizedService.localized(me ,'maxOnlyMessage', resourceName); LocalizedService.localized(me ,'bothMessage', resourceName); return; } LocalizedService.localized(me ,'message', resourceName); }, })
至此,新的本地化方式就已经完成了。下面两个json文件是目前Ext JS包中全部的本地化信息:
{ "culture": "en", "texts": { "Welcome to login": "Welcome to login.", "Username/Email/Phone": "Username/Email/Phone", "Password": "Password", "Remember Me": "Remember Me", "Forgot password": "<a href='#ForgotPassword' class='link-forgot-password'>Forgot password</a>", "Login": "Login", "DefaultMessageTitle": "Information", "Sunday": "Sunday", "Monday": "Monday", "Tuesday": "Tuesday", "Wednesday": "Wednesday", "Thursday": "Thursday", "Friday": "Friday", "Saturday": "Saturday", "January": "January", "February": "February", "March": "March", "April": "April", "May": "May", "June": "June", "July": "July", "August": "August", "September": "September", "October": "October", "November": "November", "December": "December", "AM": "AM", "PM": "PM", "Next Month (Control+Right)": "Next Month (Control+Right)", "Previous Month (Control+Left)": "Previous Month (Control+Left)", "Sort Ascending": "Sort Ascending", "Sort Descending": "Sort Descending", "Filter": "Filter", "Is not a valid email address": "Is not a valid email address", "Must be present": "Must be present,", "Value must be greater than {0}": "Value must be greater than {0}", "Value must be less than {0}": "Value must be less than {0}", "Value must be between {0} and {1}": "Value must be between {0} and {1}", "Is not a valid CIDR block": "Is not a valid CIDR block", "Is not a valid currency amount": "Is not a valid currency amount", "Is not a valid date": "Is not a valid date", "Is not a valid date and time": "Is not a valid date and time", "Is a value that has been excluded": "Is a value that has been excluded", "Is in the wrong format": "Is in the wrong format", "Is not in the list of acceptable values": "Is not in the list of acceptable values", "Is not a valid IP address": "Is not a valid IP address", "Length must be at least {0}": "Length must be at least {0}", "Length must be no more than {0}": "Length must be no more than {0}", "Length must be between {0} and {1}": "Length must be between {0} and {1}", "Is not a valid number": "Is not a valid number", "Is not a valid phone number": "Is not a valid phone number", "Must be numeric": "Must be numeric", "Must be at least {0}": "Must be at least {0}", "Must be no more than than {0}": "Must be no more than than {0}", "Must be between {0} and {1}": "Must be between {0} and {1}", "Is not a valid time": "Is not a valid time", "Is not a valid URL": "Is not a valid URL", "{0} selected row{1}": "{0} selected row{1}", "Load More...": "Load More...", "No More Records": "No More Records", "Loading...": "Loading...", "No data to display": "No data to display", "The date in this field must be equal to or after {0}": "The date in this field must be equal to or after {0}", "The date in this field must be equal to or before {0}": "The date in this field must be equal to or before {0}", "This field is required": "This field is required", "Browse...": "Browse...", "The minimum value for this field is {0}": "The minimum value for this field is {0}", "The maximum value for this field is {0}": "The maximum value for this field is {0}", "The maximum decimal places is {0}": "The maximum decimal places is {0}", "Value is not a valid number": "Value is not a valid number", "Locked (Left)": "Locked (Left)", "Unlocked": "Unlocked", "Locked (Right)": "Locked (Right)", "Locked": "Locked", "Columns": "Columns", "Group by this field": "Group by this field", "Show in groups": "Show in groups", "Collapse panel": "Collapse panel", "Expand panel": "'Expand panel", "OK": "OK", "Abort": "Abort", "Retry": "Retry", "Ignore": "Ignore", "Yes": "Yes", "No": "No", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Apply": "Apply", "Save": "Save", "Submit": "Submit", "Help": "Help", "Close": "Close", "Maximize to fullscreen": "Maximize to fullscreen", "Restore to original size": "Restore to original size", "Today": "Today" } }
{ "culture": "zh-Hans", "texts": { "Welcome to login": "欢迎登录", "Username/Email/Phone": "用户名/邮箱/手机", "Password": "密码", "Remember Me": "记住我", "Forgot password": "<a href='#ForgotPassword' class='link-forgot-password'>忘记密码</a>", "Login": "登录", "DefaultMessageTitle": "信息", "Sunday": "日", "Monday": "一", "Tuesday": "二", "Wednesday": "三", "Thursday": "四", "Friday": "五", "Saturday": "六", "January": "一月", "February": "二月", "March": "三月", "April": "四月", "May": "五月", "June": "六月", "July": "七月", "August": "八月", "September": "九月", "October": "十月", "November": "十一月", "December": "十二月", "AM": "上午", "PM": "下午", "Next Month (Control+Right)": "下月 (Ctrl+→)", "Previous Month (Control+Left)": "上月 (Ctrl+←)", "Sort Ascending": "正序", "Sort Descending": "倒序", "Filter": "过滤器", "Is not a valid email address": "不是有效的电子邮件地址", "Must be present": "值必须存在", "Value must be greater than {0}": "值必须至少为{0}", "Value must be less than {0}": "值必须不超过{0}", "Value must be between {0} and {1}": "值必须在 {0} 和 {1} 之间", "Is not a valid CIDR block": "不是有效的CIDR块", "Is not a valid currency amount": "不是有效的货币金额", "Is not a valid date": "不是有效日期", "Is not a valid date and time": "不是有效的日期和时间", "Is a value that has been excluded": "是已排除的值", "Is in the wrong format": "格式错误", "Is not in the list of acceptable values": "值不在接受列表中", "Is not a valid IP address": "不是有效的IP地址", "Length must be at least {0}": "长度必须至少为{0}", "Length must be no more than {0}": "长度不得超过{0}", "Length must be between {0} and {1}": "长度必须介于{0}和{1}之间", "Must be numeric": "必须是数字", "Is not a valid number": "不是有效的数字", "Is not a valid phone number": "不是有效的电话号码", "Must be at least {0}": "必须至少为{0}", "Must be no more than than {0}": "必须不超过{0}", "Must be between {0} and {1}": "必须在 {0} 和 {1} 之间", "Is not a valid time": "不是有效时间", "Is not a valid URL": "不是有效的URL", "{0} selected row{1}": "选择了 {0} 行", "Load More...": "加载更多...", "No More Records": "没有更多记录", "Loading...": "加载中...", "No data to display": "没有要显示的数据", "The date in this field must be equal to or after {0}": "此字段中的日期必须在 {0} 之后", "The date in this field must be equal to or before {0}": "此字段中的日期必须为 {0}", "This field is required": "此字段是必填字段", "Browse...": "浏览中...", "The minimum value for this field is {0}": "该输入项的最小值是 {0}", "The maximum value for this field is {0}": "该输入项的最大值是 {0}", "The maximum decimal places is {0}": "最大十进制数 (0)", "Value is not a valid number": "{0} 不是有效数值", "Locked (Left)": "锁定(左)", "Unlocked": "解锁", "Locked (Right)": "锁定(右)", "Locked": "区域", "Columns": "列", "Group by this field": "以此分组", "Show in groups": "分组显示", "Collapse panel": "折叠面板", "Expand panel": "'展开面板", "OK": "确定", "Abort": "退出", "Retry": "重试", "Ignore": "忽略", "Yes": "是", "No": "否", "Cancel": "取消", "Apply": "应用", "Save": "保存", "Submit": "提交", "Help": "帮助", "Close": "关闭", "Maximize to fullscreen": "最大化到全屏", "Restore to original size": "恢复到原始大小", "Today": "今天" } }
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