


让我们跟着Xero学习如何零成本使用的Ext JS开发的一个在线的,基于云的桌面和移动设备的支持与中小企业会计系统。

ExtJs英文书籍 《Ext JS in Action 2》

Ext JS in Action, Second Edition teaches Ext JS from the ground up. You'll start with a quick overview of the framework and then explore the core components by diving into complete examples, engaging illustrations, and crisp, straightforward explanations. You'll feel like you have an expert guide right at your elbow teaching you important Ext techniques and offering insight into its inner workings. Along the way, you'll learn the best practices for building and scaling full-featured web applications, including how to customize and build Ext widgets. Fully revised for Ext JS 4.0.

Sencah Touch英文书籍 《Sencha Ext JS 5 Bootcamp in a Book》

Sencha Ext JS 5 Bootcamp in a Book teaches you everything that you need to know in order to build a cross-browser, x-device compatible, next-generation web application using nothing but Javascript and good intentions. This book contains over 60 hands-on exercises that cover nearly every aspect of developing enterprise-grade web apps using Sencha's Ext JS 5 javascript framework.

ExtJS 6 Beta版本发布啦!


很高兴,Ext JS 6 beta版本现在发布了。该版本是为了让你、社区来测试和评估Ext JS 6工作进度的。这是协助创建最好的Ext JS发布版本的最好方式。

对于Ext JS 6来说,可以单独使用一个javascript框架来创建基于桌面、平板和智能手机的应用程序。

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ExtJS 6 抢先公测版发布

在令人惊艳的SenchaCon 2015最后一周,我们非常兴奋,因为Ext JS 6抢先公测版要发布了。在Ext JS 6,可以使用单一的javascript框架来无缝的创建基于桌面、平板和智能手机的应用程序。

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Ext JS 6中有什么新特性


可以立即获得到的Ext JS 6版本,该版本可以作为一个统一(Ext JS和Sencha Touch)的平台框架来创建使用单一的源且跨桌面、平板和智能手机等平台的Web应用程序。在客户和Sencha社区的协助下,我们将利用这些宝贵的反馈意见来创建更好的Ext JS 6发布版本。
